Help menu

The menu Help contains the following commands:

With this command, you can directly open the register "Contents" in the dialogue "BINGOOO Help". Here, you can call up help topics according to your individual question. The respective help topic will be shown in the panel on the right hand side.

With this command, you can directly the register "Index" in the dialogue "BINGOOO Help". Here you find a list with all significant keywords in alphabetical order. Choose one keyword by a double click and the respective help topic will be shown in the panel on the right hand side.

With this command you call up the register "Update" in the dialogue "General Options". Here you can make individual settings for the update and start a manual update immediately.

If you move your mouse on this symbol, a side menu with the commands Support and Suggestion will be opened. With a click on one of the symbols, the BINGOOO Homepage will be loaded in the integrated browser. It will be opened to the contact page, where you can contact the BINGOOO team via email.

With this command, you call up the BINGOOO Homepage in the integrated browser.

Take a tour
With this command, you call up the some basic information about BINGOOO from the BINGOOO Homepage in the browser.

What's new
With this command, you call up the register "What's new" in the dialogue "About". Here you get information about the latest program developments and improvements.

Here you can open the window for upgrading your free BINGOOO version to BINGOOO Professional or BINGOOO Corporate auf. If you have ordered BINGOOO Professional or BINGOOO Corporate on the BINGOOO Homepage and have received your individual serial number by mail, you can click on the button serial number and then enter that number. The programme will then be upgraded immediately and you can benefit from many more functions for professional users.

With this command ,you call up the register "About" in the dialogue "About". Here you see the mail adress and the web address of the BINGOOO AG. With a double click on the mail address you can open a mail window to contact the BINGOOO team.

You can find further information under:

Command Contents (Help menu)
Command Index (Help menu)
Command Update (Help menu)
Command Feedback (Help menu)
Command Homepage (Help menu)
Command Take a tour (Help menu)
Command What's new (Help menu)
Command About (Help menu)